
About Author

Hi guys!

If you are really interested, then I should say few words about myself. First of all, as you see, my posts are written sometimes in German (and it is currently my hobby, as I'm learning this nice language) but mostly, yeah, you've guessed, in Russian. And this fact is obviously a reason, why do I write "About" page in English - basically I have no lust (yet another cool germanism) for writing this in both. Don't blame me, I'm not an English-hater, but currently I feel with German prepositions even a bit better than with English ones, although I'm learning German only for less than a year.

Ok, here we go. Professionally I'm a hardware engineer but studied (not sure about English meaning, but in German this means in a university) physics, actually the chemical physics. My hobbys are, guess what? - Machining. Lathe, mill, drill and so on. Then I should name chemistry itself, sport (jogging, swimming, free-diving, skying) and, ok, a little bit of writing. Unfortunately I have now not that much time for all of that because I've got a programming project. Yeah, in Ukraine people never do the job they've been studying to do.

Enough for today. To be continued.

And do not forget to comment, share and so on. I'm really pleased when people read my opuses. Happy reading and have fun!

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